New Year, New Me? Probably not.

First off I know this is a bit late, 2017 started over a week ago but hey, late is better than never right?

Okay, so I hate the saying ‘New Year, New Me’ for multiple reasons, the biggest one is probably because I can never achieve it but really, what am I trying to achieve? Every year I set goals about eating healthier, exercising more, spending less on unnecessary things, but every year I fail. Every. Single. Year. But even with that failure I think would all of the above actually turn me into a “new me”? No. I would be the same me, with a few adjustments to my lifestyle, positive adjustments? Probably. But still, only adjustments.

I think this whole ‘New Year, New Me’ is such a terrible way to put it and maybe it’s just me but for someone who has tried to change herself multiple times again and again because she was so unhappy with herself hearing that it’s a new year so time for a new me is a struggle because I’ve just started to love me for who I am. Maybe I’m just thinking about it way too deeply and it’s just a bit of fun everyone does at the start of the year, who knows.

This year, 2017, I’ve decided that again I am going to make some small goals, like trying out a blog (I’ve never done anything like this before) and I am going to Europe after all so I do need to save, but I’m going to call it ‘New Year, Same Me’ because I’m not changing, I’m staying right here. I’m going to grow and evolve as a person but essentially I’m still the same me and I’m going to love me for me. As I am. And whether or not I achieve the goals I set at least I know I’m not trying to change my foundations because that’s where things get messy.

So hey, Happy New Year, make 2017 your bitch!!

Stay True, Stay Travelling
Gemma x

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