It’s Been Three Years…

Sorry y’all I’m about to get emotional, it’s been three years since I first met Demi Lovato and got to see her perform live.

February 11th, 2014 in San Jose, California for the Neon Lights Tour. What an indescribable day, honestly most of it is a blur because I couldn’t believe what was happening. It was my first time in America and more importantly the first time I was going to see my light in life Demi Lovato perform live, and not only that but watch her soundcheck and have a meet and greet with her. As you can imagine I was dying, this was my dream for years which I never thought would ever happen but there I was, halfway around the world standing outside the SAP Center about to experience this all.

First was soundcheck and my friends and I managed to be right at the barrier so I was literally so close. She sang my favourite song Believe in Me which she did especially for the soundchecks only and even answered my question during Q&A!!! (I asked her what hair colour she wanted to dye her hair next -she had pink hair at the time- and she said purple but her sister Madison had it so she couldn’t copy her *I had purple hair at the time and freaked out*)

Next was meeting Demi – I remember being so nervous, I had never really experienced a meet and greet before and I didn’t know what to expect. All I knew was that I wasn’t going to have a lot of time and I wanted my photo to come out nice. It was rushed and jumbled and I couldn’t think but I remember telling her I came from New Zealand especially to see her and she was shocked and happy and we took a cute photo. Demi was the sweetest angel ever and even though it was so short, it was incredible.

Meet and Greet Neon Lights Tour – San Jose, CA 11/02/2014

In the meet and greet line though I was by myself (my friends didn’t have meet and greet and were waiting outside) and kind of freaking out because I was about to meet Demi and everything about that day was surreal but there was this incredible girl behind me who I chatted to and we pretty much became instant friends – shout out to Sohinee, I love you girl! Sohinee and I kept each other occupied while we waited for our turn (seriously we were near the end of the line and it seemed to take forever) and then make sure we had exchanged social medias so we could keep in touch afterward!

The actual concert was amazing, Fifth Harmony and Little Mix were Demi’s opening acts and during Demi’s set she brought out Nick Jonas (another love of mine) and Chord Overstreet. She sang all of my favourite songs – a lot of tears were shed during skyscraper – so it went by way too quickly but I don’t think it could have been a better first Demi concert. I loved it so much and still cherish it so much! I was going through a lot of shit at the time and for those few hours I was in that venue everything disappeared and I was content and I think that was the greatest feeling ever.

So thank you Demi for the most increidble concert experience, I can’t believe it was three years ago and I’ve now seen you live five times and met you four.


Demi singing Believe in Me during Soundcheck

Never ever give up on seeing your favourite artist live (even if you live in Narnia like I do) because one day it will happen and it will be the most unbelievable thing you will ever experience.

Stay True, Stay Travelling
Gemma x

Lipstick Challenge – One Week Down

One week down, three more to go!

If you don’t know what I’m going on about check out my previous blog post which explains this challenge and why I decided to give it a go!

Well, the first week was interesting, and surprisingly not as hard as I thought it was going to be! (I don’t know why I thought it would be hard considering I have 45 lipsticks) None of these shades are too outrageous as I can’t wear anything too crazy for my job but I liked them all, they’re mostly reddy/brown/purple colours which I suit so I tend to go for but next week I might try some brighter pinks and darker colours too, we’ll see.

Here’s a look at day 2 to day 7 (day 1 is in my previous post if you want to check that out)

Day 2. Lady Bump, Chi Chi

Day 3. Candy K, Kylie Jenner

Day 4. Pink Macaroon, NYX

Day 5. Chrysanthemum, Jeffree Star

Day 6. Susperia, Kat Von D

Day 7. Gorg, Koko Kollection















I was super impressed with all of these as they stayed on basically the whole day without having to reapply, even after eating multiple meals and drinking. This is great because I don’t want to be constantly reapplying my lipstick when I’m trying to work!
Looking at the photos I have to just say that Lady Bump has more of a purple look in real life (sorry for the terrible pics, and the fact you have to see my face so many times!!!) and Chrysanthemum doesn’t actually look like much but it’s a really nice sparkly colour that was subtle but super cute!

Let me know if you want to know any more about any of the lipsticks and I’ll be happy to elaborate!

Anyway, that’s all from me for now. Hope you are enjoying seeing these posts about my lipstick challenge as much as I am trying to achieve it!


Stay True, Stay Travelling
Gemma x

Different Day, Different Lipstick

-to wear a different colour lipstick every day for the whole month of February.

First off, I hardly ever wear lipstick and it’s actually such a shame! A couple of years ago I wouldn’t walk out of the house to go to work without my signature red lipstick, now? I might chuck some on if I can be bothered, and chances are it’ll be more of a nude than a red if I do. So as I was scrolling through facebook and saw a headline “What Happened When I Wore 30 Different Lipsticks For 30 Days” I became intrigued and wanted to know more, and as I read this article I suddenly thought how good of an idea this would be. I mean, I have more than enough lipsticks to wear a different one every day and to be honest a lot of the lipsticks I own I have never actually used. So here I am on day 1 out of 28, ready to face this challenge head on!

Today I went with a lipstick I had just recently bought but not worn yet, by Jeffree Star called Unicorn Blood. I wasn’t sure how I was going to like this colour as I thought it looked quite brown but it actually had a really nice reddy brown colour that wasn’t too out there or forceful. Also, bonus I applied it at 7:45AM and didn’t have to retouch it once! It stayed perfect all day, even after eating and drinking. Day one was a success!

Let’s see how day two goes, and I’ll have an update with future lipsticks soon!

Stay True, Stay Travelling
Gemma x